WIFI Configurable Animation Que With any Phone/Tablet with Easy push button control with 3 brightness levels
Latest Video Here:
Work In progress Videos:
Ready made and available to ship ASAP!
This hand made set is built form the ground up using a custom designed and 3D Printed Diffuser. These pads are curved to sit on your shoulders. Each pad has a set of 8 magnetic couplings secured around the edges on (on the bottom side). They secure to any piece of clothing via a second pad that has its own magnetic couplings.

The above pad is placed under your clothing on top of your shoulders, you then place each PAD over the top of your clothing

The pads are controlled by a small control module about the size of a matchbox. it can be hidden in your back. The pads also have a 20cm cable connecting each other, if you have large shoulders. These pads are powered via any USBCPD power bank that can deliver 3A
Power Requirements:
You must BYO a battery because I can not ship them in the mail.
Any power bank with a 3A (15W) USBC-PD output port. You will need your own USBC cable to connect from the power bank to the controller.
Animation + Brightness control modes:
This model is pre-loaded with 36 animation sequences that run for 5 seconds each (this is the default Que) The pushbutton on the back of the controller can be used to toggle brightness. You can also configure the system to run ANY animation sequence for ANY duration of time per animation with ANY brightens level, via a web interface
Instructions for configuring your own animation que/playlist are can be found here
Purchase Price: $400 AUD
To Purchase, please contact me via email or Instagram DM